Serbia is the first WB economy to join the Academic Cooperation Association (ACA)

At the ACA General Assembly on 27 and 28 November 2023, two new organisations were approved as full members. They are the Foundation Tempus from Serbia and the Slovak Academic Association for International Cooperation (SAAIC).

The Foundation Tempus was represented by their Director Marija Filipović-Ožegović, who introduced the organisation, which was established in 2002 by the largest public universities, in order to support participation of Serbia in EU education programmes. The organisation, in its capacity as the national agency for the Erasmus+ programme, is responsible for projects in all areas and levels of education, as well as in the fields of youth and sport. Their objective is to contribute to the quality of education in Serbia and to the development of human resources. Furthermore, the Foundation Tempus supports internationalisation processes in education and the improvement of foreign languages teaching through their numerous activities.

SAAIAC was represented by their executive director Jozef Detko and the NA Director Alexandra Junaskova, who shared the basic information about the organisation with the GA members. With SAAIC joining ACA, Slovakia becomes the second country alongside Switzerland with two member organisations. Since 1992, the Slovak Academic Association for International Cooperation has been dedicated to supporting and coordinating educational and other international cooperation programmes for Slovak universities and other educational institutions. The association ensures the preparation and implementation of educational and scientific-research programmes and activities, acting also as the National Agency of the Erasmus+ programme in the Slovak Republic.

Both organisations were unanimously welcomed to ACA with big enthusiasm for future cooperation and joint activities.

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