The ChemTeach Project has Officially Started

The kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+ project “Improvement the quality of chemistry teaching in vocational education in Bosnia and Herzegovina – ChemTeach” was held on 21-22 February 2024 in Bratislava. The coordinator of the project is the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava (Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology) and the University of Banja Luka is also a partner organisation in this project.

Five secondary schools in which chemistry is an important subject in the teaching process participate in the implementation of the ChemTeach project. These are the Secondary School of Chemistry from Bratislava, the Higher Secondary School of Chemistry from the Czech city of Pardubice, and three schools from Banja Luka – Gymnasium, Medical School, and Technological School.

The goal of the project is to develop experimental methods and digital tools tailored to students, to connect scientific concepts with everyday life, and to create manuals with digital teaching material, which will contribute to the competencies of teachers. These activities will contribute to the modernisation of teaching at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of the University of Banja Luka and provide guidelines for curriculum development for future chemistry professors. Special attention will be devoted to communication with representatives of the companies and institutes to ensure relevance in terms of the needs of the economy for appropriate chemical knowledge and skills.

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