The First Conference on Green Engineering, Sustainable Materials and Technologies for Circular Economy was successfully held in Skopje

During the two-day event, it was talked about how green and digital transformation is being supported and what is the role of academia in these processes. Also, the Green Agenda and its challenges for the economy was presented and it was touched upon how green women leadership is characterised. Various ascpects of green transformation of different materials production and innovative materials have also been discussed.

On the second day, a Hackathon was organised, where students presented their ideas. Furthermore, several relevant companies gave presentations and FITD, the local partner of POLICY ANSWERS introduced the project “Green and sustainable recycling of rubber.

Source: Прва конференција за зелено инженерство, одржливи материјали и технологии за циркуларна економија – Технолошко-металуршки факултет (

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