Use of Responsible Research and Innovation concepts in STEM education – a series of video presentations based on topics in the Handbook for STEM educators

As part of the WBC-RRI.NET project, in the frame of the anchor initiatives for the territory of the Republic of Srpska, representatives from the University of Banja Luka made a series of compelling video presentations on the use of RRI concepts in STEM education. All of the presentations are based on topics in the Handbook for STEM educators.

Take a look at the series of videos, all recorded on local Bosnian/Serbian/Croatian language:

  1. Ecology and green technologies – presented by dr Ognjenka Zrilić
  2. Responsibility of science in the development of green technologies – presented by prof. dr Suzana Gotovac Atlagić
  3. Responsibility in biological-scientific research as a precondition for survival of the living world – presented by prof. dr Smiljana Paraš
  4. Gender dimension in STEM education – presented by prof. dr Jasminka Hasić Telalović
  5. STEM in computer science teaching – presented by doc. dr Dalibor P. Drljača

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