Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

Thematic domains:

  • Education

    GIZ is assisting countries to roll out a dual vocational training model involving cooperation with local businesses.

  • Youth

    GIZ is working on increasing solidarity, tolerance and regional cooperation between young people through school exchange programme as a mechanism to reduce longstanding prejudices and intolerance between ethnic groups in the WBs region.

  • Sports

    Through the sector project "Sport for Development", GIZ is providing different kind of support: trains trainers, invests in sports infrastructure with long-term use and campaigns for fairly and sustainably produced sportswear. It also creates areas of learning for children and young people and improves their prospects through initial and continuing training.

  • Underrepresented Groups and Gender Equality

    GIZ supports implementation of national strategies for social Inclusion of Roma and other marginalised groups, pursuing the following main goals at various levels: Carries out anti-discrimination campaigns and anti-discrimination trainings across the country; Assists local self-governments in drafting and implementing local inclusion action plans; Provides innovative and tailor-made employment promotion measures for so called hard-to-employ and marginalised persons etc.

Address / Location

Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 32 + 36, 53113 Bonn, Germany

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