European Sports NGO (ENGSO)

ENGSO (European Non-Governmental Sports Organisation) is the leading advocate for voluntary-based grassroots sport across Europe. Representing 38 member organisations, including National Sports Confederations, National Olympic Committees, and other sports bodies from 34 European countries, ENGSO brings together people of all ages and backgrounds united by their passion for sport.

ENGSO’s mission is to address the challenges faced by sports systems across Europe, which, while diverse, share common issues arising from the globalisation and internationalisation of sport. The organisation acts as a proactive leader in the sports political landscape, serving as a key networking body and a crucial counterpart for European governmental institutions involved with sport.

ENGSO has played an active role in organising events and leading EU projects that tackle contemporary issues in sport. Additionally, it represents grassroots sport in discussions with European Union institutions and the Council of Europe, ensuring the voice of voluntary-based sports is heard and supported at the highest levels.

ENGSO combines great expertise through its Committees, the Equality Within Sport Committee and the EU Advisory Committee but also the projects. IIt strives to build the capacity of our members through topical webinars and seminars or provide the space for those working on the same topic within different ENGSO member organisations to meet, discuss and learn from each other.

The seventh edition of ENGSO’s flagship event, the European Sport Platform, took place in Pristina, from 21-23 November 2024.


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