Thematic domains:

  • Research and Innovation

    GÉANT interconnects Europe's national research and education networks (NRENs) with the high bandwidth, high speed and highly resilient pan-European backbone – together connecting Europe's researchers, academics and students to each other, and linking them to over half the countries in the world. Their TF-RED: Task force on Research Engagement Development​ focuses on working with local research support offices and IT departments to help researchers use networks and related tools to improve their use of computing, data, and facilities, either on a local, national or international scale. These activities are matched to the UN's Sustainable Development Goal 9 - AN INCLUSIVE INFRASTRUCTURE TO FOSTER INNOVATION.

  • Education

    GÉANT’s activities as defined by the task TF-EDU: Educational Technologies (covering the areas of interest include the digital learning environment – such as Learning Management Systems (LMS), Learning Analytics (LA), Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) – eduID, Open Educational Resources (OER) and more) can be closely matched to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 4 - ENSURE EQUITABLE QUALITY EDUCATION through GÉANT’s flagship Trust & Identity services, such as eduroam (provides seamless internet activity to researchers and students and is free-of-charge to users), eduGAIN (enables students to follow courses at universities other than their own using their existing credentials) and eduTEAMS (enables research communities to securely access and share common resources and services). Their openUp2U is an open-source, interoperable and GDPR compliant platform based on the Up2U project is available to all European schools and university.

  • Culture

    NPAPW – Networking Performance Art Production Workshop – is an annual workshop and gathering of an international community exploring technologies that utilise advanced networks to enable interactive arts instruction, master classes, multisite performances, and remote auditions. NPAPW is a collaborative project of GÉANT, Internet2, New World Symphony, GARR (Italian NREN) and other European national research and education networks (NRENs), working together with cultural institutions around the world to organise the annual event.

  • Green Deal

    Network design and green procurement aim at reducing energy consumption by 40%.

  • Digitalisation

    GEANT's GN4 Phase 3 Network project (GN4-3N) enables digital inclusion by bringing fibre connectivity to more of European research and education, stimulates the market in cross-border communications, and supports greener ICT. Their TF-eHealth: Task Force on eHealth is related to the digitalisation of the Health sector.

Address / Location

GÉANT Association Registered Address: Hoekenrode 3, 1102BR Amsterdam, The Netherlands ​UK Branch Address: City House, 126-130 Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 1PQ, UK

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