Thematic domains:
- Research and Innovation
The Ministry is making great efforts in the field of innovation in the agricultural sector in modernizing agricultural ways of food production and innovatios in the work of the Ministry itself.
- Green Deal
Preservation of the environment, respect for animal welfare, maintaining the land in good condition - these are the main goals of this sector.
- Digitalisation
The eAgrar information system is introduced in order to modernize and speed up the process of entering data, changing data in the Register of Agricultural Holdings, as well as approving and disbursing incentives in agriculture. eAgrar enables: online registration of agricultural holdings, access and management of data about their agricultural holdings through the portal on a daily basis by farmers (data changes, deletion of agricultural holdings); online submission of requests for registration, changes and deletion of data from Register of Agricultural Holdings and requests for incentives in agriculture; saving time in processing requests due to the introduction of automatic verification of formal request conditions, as well as electronic processing of requests; faster approval of incentives, faster payment; reduction of the possibility of error when submitting and processing requests, as well as speeding up the processing of requests due to the binding of relevant registers; abolishing the need for printing and archiving paper documentation; it will enable more efficient reporting, monitoring of incentive statistics and a greater degree of control.
- Healthy Societies
Preservation of human health and food safety are the main goals of this sector.