Thematic domains:
- Research and Innovation
The Ministry of Economy may collaborate with other ministries, such as the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technological Development, to support research and innovation activities related to economic development. This collaboration could involve providing funding, incentives, and policies to foster research and innovation in sectors relevant to the economy.
- Education
Although education policies and implementation are primarily overseen by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technological Development, the Ministry of Economy can have an interest in promoting education that aligns with economic needs. This collaboration may include developing vocational training programs, supporting entrepreneurship education, or facilitating partnerships between educational institutions and industry.
- Culture
The Ministry of Economy might have some involvement in promoting cultural activities that contribute to economic growth, tourism, and job creation. This could include providing funding, incentives, or policies to support cultural events, initiatives, and infrastructure development.
- Sports
The Ministry of Economy might have some involvement in promoting sports activities. This could include providing fundings, incentives, or policies to support sports events, initiatives, and sport infrastructure development.
- Green Deal
The Ministry of Economy may be responsible for implementing policies and programs that support the Green Deal objectives, such as promoting renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainable business practices.
- Digitalisation
The Ministry can play a role in driving digital transformation and fostering a digital economy. This could involve supporting initiatives related to e-commerce, digital infrastructure development, digital skills training, and promoting the adoption of emerging technologies in various industries.
- Healthy Societies
Ministry of Economy is collaboratin with Ministry of Health on initiatives that intersect health and the economy. This could include supporting the development of healthcare technologies, promoting medical tourism, or facilitating partnerships between the healthcare sector and the business community.