Thematic domains:
- Research and Innovation
The MoESTD is in charge of activities related to the system, development and improvement of scientific and research activities in the function of scientific, technological and economic development. It proposes and implements the public policies of scientific and technological development, adopts and implements the programmes of scientific, technological and applied research and encourages the training of the researchers. The MoESTD is adopting and implementing innovation policy, as well as public policy and programmes in the field of artificial intelligence. The Ministry is working on the improvement and development of the innovation system and scientific and technological infrastructure in the Republic of Serbia.
- Education
The MoESTD is responsible for planning and developing preschool, primary, secondary and higher education and student standards. It takes care of the education of talented students, but also inclusive education. Through the network of supplementary schools, it takes care of the supplementary education of the children of Serbian citizens living abroad. The MoESTD participates in the construction, equipping and maintenance of preschool institutions, schools and students' dormitories and creates conditions for access and realization of projects financed from EU funds, donations and other forms of development aid.
- Digitalisation
The MoESTD has sector for digitalisation in education and science dealing with activities related to planning, organizing and introducing comprehensive digitisation of data, processes and services and development of information technologies and infrastructural equipment for the purpose of comprehensive digitisation in educational, scientificand innovation infrastructure in the Republic of Serbia.
- Underrepresented Groups and Gender Equality
The MoESTD has a sector for the advancement of human and minority rights in education which coordinates activities related to the respect of human rights in the field of education, education of persons belonging to national minorities, children and students with disabilities, asylum seekers, migrants, victims of trafficking and returnees under the readmission agreement, internally displaced persons and other vulnerable groups, as well as protection from violence and discrimination in educational institutions.