Geographical focus:
Thematic domains:
- Research and Innovation
The Ministry of Science and Technological Development do creates an environment suitable for the development and raising the quality of the scientific research community in all domains and scientific areas, strengthens the profession of researchers. It invests in research and innovation by implementing the policy of innovation activity, encourages the development of products and services in IT activities, develops innovation infrastructure.
- Education
The Ministry of Science and Technological Development of Montenegro strives to implement various types of special support instruments. In this way, the Ministry of Science and Technological Development opens the possibility for scientists and researchers from Montenegro to strengthen their work by participating in conferences, organizing conferences in Montenegro, publishing papers in open access journals, editing open access journals, mobility to more developed institutions, as and connecting with foreign partners through international programmes (Horizon Europe, IAEA and ICGEB). The competition also enables co-financing for doctoral studies, after a defended doctoral dissertation, at any university in the world.
- Digitalisation
The Ministry of Science and Technological Development of Montenegro work on activities related to planning, organiding and introducing comprehensive digitisation of data. Also, the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of Montenegro is supporting different types, initiatives and events from this area.