Geographical focus:
Thematic domains:
- Research and Innovation
The University of Sarajevo (UNSA) with its scientific research and artistic research segments (faculties, academies, institutes as organisational units, centers, laboratories, institutes and institutes within faculties and academies) represents a large potential in scientific research/artistic research and research and development. By its nature, UNSA is "in charge" of the triangle of knowledge: education - research - innovations. The University of Sarajevo is a public institution whose basic structure today consists of thirty organisational units, full members - twenty-two faculties, three academies and five scientific research institutes, within six groups from the fields of social, humanistic, medical, technical, natural-mathematical and biotechnical sciences and arts. Numerous centers, institutes and laboratories operate within the faculty, which provide support to students, employees, business entities as well as other external users in the process of research and development of innovative solutions.
- Education
The University of Sarajevo is a organisation whose mission is to educate, through teaching and research, high-quality, capable, creative and internationally competent personnel in all areas of interest to Bosnia and Herzegovina, who will professionally and qualitatively perform the demanding tasks of the modern economy in the European and world political, economic, social and cultural environment. The University's commitment is to be an autonomous academic community of teachers-researchers, artists and students, incorporated into the international university and academic community. The University strives to continuously strengthen its role as a responsible institution within the social community in which it operates, and to ensure the role of a recognizable center of scientific and artistic work, which gathers teams of domestic and international experts and artists around projects relevant in the domestic, regional, and wider social context and environment.
- Culture
The University of Sarajevo with its members (Music Academy, Academy of Fine Arts and Academy of Performing Arts) makes an important contribution to the development of ideas, artistic freedom, imagination, individuality, rebellion, beauty, truth and all those ideas on which the cultural and artistic tradition of the East and the West is based. In order to achieve better cooperation and coordination, a special work unit, the Service for Art, Culture and Sports, was established, focusing on improving the work and development of art and culture, in order to achieve excellence in the very creativity of our professors and students.
- Youth
The University of Sarajevo is an educational institution that educates the largest number of young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina. As such, UNSA represents the seat of youth who have the potential and the opportunity to bring about key changes in order to progress and develop society in Bosnia and Herzegovina through their commitment and work. The Student Parliament of the University of Sarajevo (SPUS) operates within the UNSA, and bases its work on the Law on Higher Education, the Law on Student Organisations of the Canton of Sarajevo, the Statute of the University of Sarajevo, and acts of the SPUS. As the umbrella student body of UNSA students, SPUS strives to achieve multiple goals and tasks, which it accomplishes primarily in order to protect the rights of students and their advancement, and to improve all spheres of the teaching process and student standards.
- Sports
The Faculty of Sports and Physical Education (FASTO) operates within UNSA. The faculty is dedicated to goals that include the expansion of educational and scientific experiences with a special emphasis on the further development of knowledge and skills in all segments of sports activities.
- Digitalisation
UNSA actively participates in the support and promotion of digitisation, which is realized through the organisation of conferences, panel discussions, teaching processes, curricula and the implementation of national and international projects. Within UNSA, there are also organisational units that represent the basis for the successful implementation of the digitisation process.
- Healthy Societies
Through the work of its organisational units in the field of medical and biotechnical sciences, UNSA actively participates in the support and promotion of the establishment of a healthy society. The contribution is also reflected in the implementation of numerous projects aimed at capacity development and teaching programmes that have the task of helping to establish the foundations for the development of a healthy society.
- Underrepresented Groups and Gender Equality
In 2021 The Senate of the University of Sarajevo, passed the Decision establishing the Council for Gender Equality of the University of Sarajevo with the aim of preventing and fighting gender-based violence, discrimination, and sexual harassment, as well as ensuring integrity and quality in higher education. The Action Plan for Gender Equality of the University of Sarajevo for the period 2022-2023 was also adopted.
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