Thematic domains:
- Research and Innovation
WIPO supports mutually-beneficial technology transfer through patent information services, innovation support programmes and tools, projects and activities by WIPO Committees, public-private partnerships and dispute resolution services. It also organizes knowledge transfer-related activities, including capacity building and training on transfer of technology (
- Education
WIPO Academy is the center of excellence for IP education, training and skills-building.
- Green Deal
Shares information about helping to achieve the SDGs through their inventiveness, creativity and use of IP. Runs WIPO GREEN – The Marketplace for Sustainable Technology, an online platform for technology exchange (
- Digitalisation
At WIPO, the IP and Frontier Technologies Division primarily aims to facilitate discussion and knowledge building among Member States and other stakeholders on the impact of frontier technologies on IP to support well-informed policy choices and to provide practical tools and guidance to help us all navigate IP questions in the new digital world. The WIPO Conversation on IP and Frontier Technologies is the main strand to that engagement.
- Underrepresented Groups and Gender Equality
promoting gender equality and diversity - in the innovative and creative sectors, across the wider world of IP