Description of the programme/policy
The educational programme “Studies for the Future” aims to introduce students to the main global trends and challenges facing the modern world.
Main objective of the programme/policy
The programme should encourage and develop interest and debate about the most significant directions of movement of the second decade of the 21st century and provide students with an insight into the most important questions that will be posed to modern humanity in the future: the relationship between the state and society, the challenges of the post-democratic world, the development of a new multipolar world , the scope of globalization, sustainable development, the question of identity and the nation state, the political unification of Europe and the future of European integration, media shaping of the world, the society of knowledge and new technologies, nanotechnology and the new technological revolution, the future of the workforce, genetics. The programme is intended for students in their final year of undergraduate studies and master’s students of Belgrade universities.
Specific objective of the programme/policy
The specific objectives of the programme are developed through modules: Module of knowledge and skills (Future of the state and society, Skills for the future, Classroom 4.0 and Views towards Europe), Internship and Writing the final project, Alumni2Students mentoring programme and Optional and free activities
Time frame
annually on regular basis from 2012