National Strategy for Gender Equality 2021-2030

Description of the programme/policy

Designed as a roadmap toward an equitable society, where the needs of women and men are equally taken into consideration and met, and women are respected, protected, encouraged and supported to progress the same as men

Main objective of the programme/policy

This document aims to address the main issues related to gender equality and is based on the principles of:

  1. advancing toward a gender-transformative approach;
  2. addressing the intersectionality of gender discrimination with other forms of discrimination
  3. following a human rights-based approach;
  4. gender equality and justice, and conditions for a just and developed society;
  5. Sensitivity to and equal treatment of the special needs of both sexes;
  6. Recognition, appreciation and respect for diversity;
  7. Zero tolerance for gender-based violence;
  8. Inter-institutional cooperation;
  9. Measuring progress and budget for the implementation of the strategy and action plan.

Specific objective of the programme/policy

It has 4 strategic objectives:

  1. Fulfilling the economic and social rights of women, girls and men and boys in society;
  2. Ensuring the equal participation, representation and leadership rights of women and men, girls and boys in political and public decision making;
  3. Reducing all forms of harmful practices, gender-based violence and domestic violence;
  4. Applying gender mainstreaming as the main tool of achieving gender equality and gender justice in society.

Geographical focus:

Coordinating institution

Institution: Ministry of Health and Social Protection-Albania

Source of information

National Strategy for Gender Equality 2021-2030

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