Description of the programme/policy
The nature protection programme establishes strategic goals, measures and activities for improvement of public policy for nature protection and preservation of biological diversity, integrating the principles of biodiversity conservation into sectoral development policies, into processes financial management and planning, sustainable use of biological components diversity, reducing the negative impact of development on biological diversity as well as public participation in the decision-making process. In order to monitor progress in the implementation of the Nature Protection programme, Action plan of this programme defines indicators for quality evaluation that will enable progress in the implementation of general and special programme objectives, measures and activities, in cooperation with relevant sectors, will be appropriately presented and implemented.
Main objective of the programme/policy
programme has one main objective: Improvement of the nature protection system and preservation of biodiversity
Specific objective of the programme/policy
The three specific objectives of the programme are: Reduced negative impacts on biodiversity, Improved management system of protected areas, ecological network and species, Improved public policy for nature protection and biodiversity preservation and public participation in decision-making