Description of the programme/policy
The programme is implemented for the purpose of protecting mental health by preventing the occurrence of mental disorders, improving it of mental health, analysis and diagnosis of the mental state of the person, treatment and rehabilitation of the person with mental disorders, as well as suspicions of the existence of mental disorders, while respecting human rights and strengthening the dignity of persons with mental disorders and applying the least restrictive forms of treatment.
Main objective of the programme/policy
Reform of the mental health care system in the Republic of Serbia and improvement of human resources rights of persons with mental disorders in accordance with international standards and the best by practice
Specific objective of the programme/policy
Specific programme objectives are: Improving the normative and institutional framework of mental health care, Prevention of mental disorders and improvement of mental health, Development of human resources, improvement of education, research and working conditions, Quality improvement, information systems, intersectoral cooperation, advocacy and public advocacy