Upskilling pathways for REsiliency in the post-Covid era for FEMale Entrepreneurs (RE-FEM)

The RE-FEM Erasmus+ project aims to empower women entrepreneurs by offering tailored training programmes to help them build resilient businesses in the post-COVID era. The project also supports trainers and mentors in adult education by providing accessible, high-quality, and innovative training tools. Key outcomes include a comparative research study to understand post-pandemic challenges, a comprehensive training manual, and an Open Education Platform featuring e-learning courses for entrepreneurship. By fostering international collaboration through a network for women entrepreneurs and delivering policy recommendations, RE-FEM aims to shape future support for women-led businesses in the digital age.

The project is implemented by a diverse consortium of partners, including HÉTFA Research Institute (HU) as the coordinator, alongside Andalucía Emprende Fundación Pública Andaluza (ES), Brand-Sofi (FI), Mihajlo Pupin Institute (SRB), Regional Agency for Entrepreneurship and Innovations (BG), Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania (RO), SEED Foundation (HU), and Slovak Business Agency (SK).

Source: RE-FEM | Upskilling pathways for REsiliency in the post-Covid era for FEMale Entrepreneurs

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