The Western Balkans Steering Platforms on Culture, Education and Training & Research and Innovation play a central role in stimulating, monitoring and supporting the cooperation in research, innovation, education and cultural and creative policies and programmes between the European Union Member States, the European Commission and the Western Balkans.
Meetings of the Western Balkans Steering Platforms on Research & Innovation, Education & Training, and Culture take place regularly at different levels, following both virtual and physical formats. These meetings are not public events and participation is open only to the members of the Steering Platforms and upon invitation by the European Commission.
POLICY ANSWERS supports the organisation of these events, therefore on this page you may find our event reviews as well as additional information based on public presentations and other materials related to the meeting discussions.
- POLICY ANSWERS perspective on the Ministerial meetings of the Steering Platforms 2024
- Results from the Ministerial Meeting of the Steering Platforms on Research & Innovation, Education & Training and Culture
- Implementing the Western Balkans Agenda – Monitoring Cards published by POLICY ANSWERS (July 2024)
- Western Balkans R&I updates – a review by POLICY ANSWERS
- The European Training Foundation in the Western Balkans
- [Event Review] Workshop on Western Balkans European Research Area (ERA) reporting, 5 June 2024 -Skopje
- [Event Review] Western Balkans Steering Platforms Meeting on Culture, Education and Training & Research and Innovation (Skopje, 3-5 June 2024)
- POLICY ANSWERS Workshop on Technology-Oriented Research Infrastructures: Opportunities for the Western Balkans
- Meeting of the Western Balkans Steering Platform on Research and Innovation (13 – 15 May 2025, Podgorica)
- Air Quality in Western Balkans Cities. Public JRC side event to the Ministerial meeting 2024
- Presentation of the COST Western Balkans Study. Public side event to the Ministerial meeting 2024
- Ministerial Meeting of the Steering Platforms on Education and Training, Research and Innovation, and Culture. Sept/Oct 2024
- Meeting of the Western Balkans Steering Platforms on Culture, Education and Training & Research and Innovation (3-5 June 2024, Skopje)
- Smart Specialisation in the Western Balkans: Potential for Knowledge-based Economic Cooperation (2024)
- EU-Western Balkan Cooperation Through Erasmus+
- POLICY ANSWERS review of the progresses shared at the Meeting of the WB Steering Platforms in June
- Strengthening the R&I capacity in the Western Balkans through knowledge valorisation
- Hungarian EU Presidency Priorities in the Context of the BIOEAST Initiative and Strong Engagement of Western Balkans
- Environment and Climate in EU Enlargement
- Smart specialisation development in the WBs: State of play and JRC support
- [Focus Article] Progresses in the implementation of the Western Balkans Agenda – POLICY ANSWERS review of the Steering Platforms meeting in Skopje, 15-16 February 2023
- Western Balkans Agenda: Short summary