Webinar: Certificates on the financial statements (CFS) in Horizon Europe

This webinar especially for auditors providing CFS (and other interested in the CFS topic) will be held online on the 26th June 2024, 10.00h to 11.30h (CEST, Brussels Time)

Event website: https://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/docs/h2020-funding-guide/other/event240626.htm

The webinar, specifically designed to address CFS providers, will cover the following aspects:

  • CFS agreed-upon procedures in Horizon Europe: new approach and main features
  • General procedures applicable to all cost categories
  • Procedures to be followed for specific cost categories

A Q&A session will conclude the webinar.


10:00 – Welcome and Agenda

10:05 – CFS agreed-upon procedures in Horizon Europe: new approach and main features

10:20 – General procedures applicable to all cost categories

10:30 – Procedures to be followed for specific cost categories (personnel costs, subcontracting, purchases)

11:10 – Coffee break

11:15 – Q&A session

11:30 – End of the meeting

Event type

Geographical focus:

Thematic domains: