The Conference on the Economy – Montenegro 2022 is organized by the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro and will be held from October 26 to 28 in the hotel “Splendid”. As one of the most influential economic gatherings in the region – held in Bečići – it brings together for the 11th time experts in business and economic thought, representatives of international institutions, associations and the academic community, who will discuss the future in an effort to reach through dialogue answers important for the business community of the region and beyond, and for society as a whole.
Please find the complete conference guidebook here:
Since the European Union declared 2022 the Year of Youth, the Chamber dedicated the first day of the meeting to them. Their representatives, already proven in business, during the panel “Migration, (un)employment of young people and the Western Balkans” will send recommendations to decision makers for improving the position of this population in the Western Balkans and increasing employability, in order to reduce migration and emigration from our areas.
On October 27, the conference will be officially opened by the president of the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro, Dr. Nina Drakić, and the director of global relations and operations at the OECD, Andreas Schaal, after which, during the “Western Balkans and Europe in 2023” panel, experts will talk about the region’s readiness to continue integration, but also the EU’s readiness for enlargement.
What are our ties with the diaspora, do we know how to nurture them and put them into the function of economic progress, is the topic of the panel entitled “The role of the diaspora in economic development”. Conference participants will have the opportunity to hear successful stories from established businessmen that testify to the great potential of the diaspora.
EU initiatives and synergies for a smart and green future are indispensable topics of all events that focus on sustainable growth and the future. As a result, and a series of initiatives it has taken in previous years, the Chamber, with the support of a project financed through the Horizon Europe programme (POLICY ANSWERS), contributes to the consideration of these issues by organizing a special panel discussion on this topic.
Harmonization of the education system and the labour market has been a priority of the countries of the Western Balkans for years, and there are numerous projects with which the EU tries to encourage the best possible results for the region in this area. Distinguished representatives of the academic community, businessmen and representatives of development agencies will speak about this topic during the Conference.
How digitally aware and transformed we are, first of all as a business community, is a question to which we must give a realistic answer because we want to reach the accelerated pace with which the world is moving in that direction. It is with this intention that, as part of the Conversation on the Future, the Chamber opens this topic with the panel “Digital transformation of business models”.
The unpredictability of the global market, low competitiveness compared to industrially advanced and developed countries, expensive access to finance is what our companies face every day. How to survive on the market despite crises is the topic of the last panel of the Conference.
As in previous years, B2B meetings will be organized during the Conference, which is a chance to establish cooperation between businessmen on specific business arrangements. Macedonian exporters expressed a special interest in this type of networking. The accompanying events will also be related to the DigN€st project, and the EIT and European Partnership.
More information and registration is available via the source page of this announcement:
Conference program: