The University of Sarajevo hosts a three-day event focused on knowledge and experience sharing on boosting academia to industry collaboration and capacity in the innovation and technology transfer, entitled HOW TO RECOGNIZE AND PROTECT A SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY? – A SHORT COURSE ON THE PATENT LIFE CYCLE.
With the support of the POLICY ANSWERS project the event is organized by the UNSA Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology and Research Support Office/R&D Centre.
Theoretical and practical sessions about technology development and facilitation of socio-economic development through creativity and innovation are led by guest experts – representatives of the USIPM – University-Industry Collaboration Centres Platform of Turkey.How to attract the attention of industry to academic patents and know-how originating from the University of Sarajevo, as well as how to establish and sustain academia-industry linkages for successful knowledge and technology transfer, were the main focus of the event attended by researchers/innovators from academia and industry, policy makers, funding innovation stakeholders, as well as the academia and industry representatives.The event is upon invitation of the local hosts.