Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3) Conference 2024

11 - 12 December 2024

The Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3) Conference 2024 is the flagship event for S3 stakeholders from across regions in EU Member States. It is organised by the DG for Regional Policy of the European Commission and the S3 CoP Secretariat, in partnership with Emilia-Romagna Region and with the support of the Municipality of Rimini.

S3 practitioners, experts, policymakers, and other key stakeholders will come together to engage in this bottom-up event to network, discuss S3 policy and implementation issues and exchange information and good practices. In addition, the S3 Conference will bring together regions recognised as Regional Innovation Valleys under the NEIA flagship action.

For an idea of what last year’s conference was like, watch the video below.

The S3 Conference 2024 will be presented around three pillars:  

  • Successful S3 design and implementation: fostering place-based innovation, enabling sustainable and resilient economic development
  • S3 and interregional collaboration
  • Smart Specialisation and its role for connecting Regional Innovation Valleys in key thematic areas identified in the New European Innovation Agenda,

While the S3 Conference will be a one-day event (11th of December), there will be a set of side events on the next day (12th of December), for which more information will be shared in due course.  


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