15th Eco-Conference on Environmental Protection of Urban and Suburban Settlements

27 - 29 September 2023

Eco-conference® is a unique scientific conference held in Novi Sad since 1995. It received international status since 2003, and purely scientific character and sponsorship of the United Nations received since 2007.

The main organizer is the Ecological Movement of the city of Novi Sad, a renowned non-governmental environmental organization and the co-organizers are:

  • University of Novi Sad, Serbia,
  • International Independent Ecological–Political University, Moscow, Russia,
  • State Agrarian University-Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, Russia,
  • Institute for Field and Vegetable Crops – Novi Sad, Serbia,
  • Pasteur Institute of Novi Sad, Serbia,
  • Scientific Institute for veterinary medicine ,,Novi Sad” in Novi Sad, Serbia,
  • Legambiente, National Ecological Organization, Italy.

Eco-conference® is traditionally held in the last full week of September, from Wednesday to Saturday, with daily supporting cultural events.


The significance of safe food production and consumption has been widely recognized, as the risks of food nutritive value reduction increase due to its industrial production. Even in developed countries industrial food production brings about new threats to human health.

Various issues concerning safe food are being increasingly addressed both in professional and general publics of the developed countries, while the post-socialist ones are rather lagging behind them.

With the general aim to contribute to communicating valid knowledge and supporting exchange of opinions and experiences as well as making the knowledge actionable, the Ecological Conference® on Safe Food has been held in even years since the year 2000. The conference aims to:

  • address, at a scientific-expert level, a wide range of key issues concerning safe food production and environmental consciousness;
  • discuss and assess the causes of environmental imbalance in conventional agricultural production and the impact of various pollution sources on agricultural production at present;
  • offer practical solutions, based on scientific indicators and expert opinions, to help meet present challenges and those that lie ahead;
  • present relevant proposals and suggestions for the long-term strategic programs in food production (in the industrialized, controlled, integral, alternative and sustainable agriculture)without negative effects on human health and the environment.


The Eco-Conference® is open to all the issues concerning safe food, from the point of its production, to the point of consumption.

Contributions that are most welcome are those that point out good or bad practices, while validating factors affecting food safety and quality in the following subject areas:

  • Environmental factors and food production
  • Correct choice of seed (genetic) material
  • Status and preparation of soil as the basic substrate for the production of food and feed
  • Use of fertilizers and pesticides in integrated plant protection
  • Food processing technology
  • Economic aspects, marketing and packaging of safe food


The Eco-Conference® official languages are Serbian and English.

Thematic collection of papers will be published in English.


Participation fee per paper is 50 €. Payable by the first author.

Participation fee after June 1st per paper is 100 €.

Participants (attendants) pay the participation fee in the same amount.

The participation fee implies that the following is provided for the authors of papers and participants (attendants):

  • daily meals (lunches) in an exclusive restaurant,
  • refreshments during the working part of the Eco-Conference® 2023 and

Participation in a variety of accompanying cultural events:

  • Nature preservation exhibition
  • Official banquet
  • Field excursion (lunch included)

Participation fee is to be paid to the foreign currency account of the Ecological movement of Novi Sad.

Please find listed below the instructions for your incoming EUR payments, as follows:

Participation fee is payable to the foreign currency account of the Ecological Movement of  Novi Sad: Beneficiary: Eko-konferencija Novi Sad 1995, Bul. Cara Lazara 83/1, 21102
Novi Sad, Serbia.


Please send us your application form as soon as possible.

June 1st 2023 – deadline for submission of papers

August 31st, 2023 – deadline for payment of participation fee

Papers for which the participation fee is not paid within the above-mentioned deadline shall not be published in the Proceedings of the Eco-Conference® 2023.


Institute for Nature Protection of Vojvodina region, Radnicka Street 20A, Novi Sad, Serbia



Event type


Novi Sad

Geographical focus:

Thematic domains: