CEEISA International Studies Association Joint International Conference 2024: Knowing the global-local: Imagining pasts, debating futures

18 - 21 June 2024

The University of Rijeka hosts this years conference of CEEISA between 18 and 21 June.

Topics debated include (according to the call for papers):

  • Decentring and recentring global knowledge production through regional epistemic frameworks and practices
  • War in (re-)making knowledge
  • Environmental, climate, nature, conservation, and land knowledges in the making of the global-local
  • Do the diversities (non-homogeneous) in the Global South act as constraints and/or as opportunities for the advancement of their agencies?
  • Relations between the Global Norths, Global Souths, and Global Easts, including varieties of racialisation, the role of political economy, migration governance, and the return of geopolitical thinking
  • Global-local knowledge in governance reform, including emulation, learning, and creativity
  • Institutional designs for democracy promotion and market capitalism, and the international political economy of authoritarianism
  • Universal disciplinary histories and theoretical modelling in producing expertise and forecasts
  • Varieties of dissent knowledges, the politics of memory, and the narration of histories
  • Ethnic divides and nationalist contestations of histories and policies
  • Non-formal and non-discursive shapes of knowledge, including affect and the everyday

The politics of knowledge production shapes how we make sense of world politics and our scholarly practices. Established analytical frameworks and the distinction between the local and the global are often taken for granted in International Studies. They reflect epistemic authorities hailing from social and material hierarchies. Such structures generate and discipline political imaginaries and policy designs. They underpin interpretations of current events even when impartial expertise is claimed.

The main conference theme seeks to unpack the politics of knowledge and policy processes in the making of the global-local. We promote the adoption of heterogenous approaches that unsettle received categories in the study of the international. The ambivalent positionality in the global order of the diverse Eastern, Central, and South-Eastern Europes provides for a dynamic space from which and in which to debate such questions.

For more information about the programme, registration etc., please refer to the source page of this announcement: https://www.isanet.org/Conferences/ISA-Rijeka-2024

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