Conference: Wind of Change? Academic and Artistic Perspectives on Experiences of Change in Southeast Europe

2 - 6 October 2023

Deadline for application: 21 May, 2023.

The International Academic Week is the Southeast Europe Association’s (Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft – SOG) annual key event to bring together early-career researchers (MA/ PhD/ Post-Doc levels) and experienced scholars from all over Europe and beyond to present and discuss their research on the region. As always, it will take place in cooperation with the Akademie für Politische Bildung at the beautiful Lake Starnberg in Tutzing from 2 – 6 October 2023.

This year’s conference is hosted by Prof. Dr. Daniel Göler (University of Bamberg) and Prof. Dr. Eckehard Pistrick (Gustav Mahler Private University for Music, Klagenfurt), The International Academic Week 2023 will focus on central as well as supposedly marginal aspects of recent change in Southeast Europe – from large-scale infrastructures to the individual – through selected themes from society, space, the arts, and culture.

Change and transformation will be traced along three dimensions: 

  1. Paths of transition:  bringing into focus the political, economic, and social implications of change,
  2. Perception and (embodied) experience of transformation: addressing the micro level of the individual or collective,
  3. Reproduction and reflection of experienced transformation in media, music, and the visual arts: opening up a perspective on the rhetoric and practice of change. 

With an innovative format, we want to stimulate and establish the dialogue between science, the arts, and media on specific topics. Conceptually, we consider the scientific discourse on experiences of change, on the one hand, and its artistic rendition, on the other, as strongly interrelated forms of knowledge production. In this respect, performative elements and academic contributions will not be separated from each other in the thematic panels but will be represented in a complementary manner. Therefore, in addition to young researchers we invite selected artists from the region who reflect dimensions of change in their sonic and visual artwork. 

We invite early career researchers and students to apply for participation at the international academic week with a German or English contribution. We are welcoming contributions referring to (one of) the three dimensions of time, space, and culture. We are also welcoming spatial-temporal comparative contributions with reference to the 20th and early 21st centuries. 

In order to avoid an exclusion of topics from the outset, the call for young scientists is deliberately broad and interdisciplinary in fields such as political, social, economic and communication sciences, geography, history, anthropology and media or sound studies. Small scale artistic interventions such as performances or performance-lectures are also welcome and will be examined by the organizers according to their feasibility.

Please find more information on the source page here.

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