European Citizens Hackathon for Climate

This action invites citizens and researchers across Europe to join forces to develop new solutions for the climate.

It supports two of the Missions launched by the European Commission:

In this context, citizens will bring the climate challenge that affects their community that should be addressed, researchers bring their expertise in relation to climate change. During the competition, citizens and researchers collaborate to create a technological or social innovation solution to benefit the community. EU Sparks for Climate is an ongoing initiative, meaning that all information will be regularly updated as the competition progresses.

The hackathons will take place on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday afternoons, as well as Saturdays (full day). All hackathons are virtual. The jury members will meet in Brussels for the final event.

In the first stage of the Championship, from May to June 2024, 22 virtual local hackathons will be held between teams formed by citizens and researchers. In this way, citizen engagement with science, one of the major objectives of this programme: the valorization of scientific research as a lever for impact and transformation, is added. Each participating team will create a technological or social innovation solution to the proposed challenges. These local hackathons will be co-organised by local hosts in 22 European locations and will be developed virtually for four days, following a methodology to foster collaboration and innovation processes.

There will be 2 winning teams for each local competition, 44 in total. These teams will receive training to sharpen their skills and solutions in a dedicated training and coaching programme that will include modules on management, entrepreneurship, sustainability, social impact, research valorization and intellectual property.

After the training and coaching programme, the teams will present their solutions in the grand final in which 3 winning teams will be chosen. In addition to receiving cash prizes (€5,000 for each winning team), the winning teams will receive, for example, tailored mentorship, support to valorise the solution, support for a crowdfunding campaing or support to scalate their solution.

Every hackathon will be facilitated by a local host. There are local hosts in 18 member states and 4 associated countries (including the Western Balkans!). Any EU citizen and citizens from associated countries (i.e. all Western Balkans) can participate in the EU Citizens Hackathon Championship.

For more information about the event and registration, please visit the source page of this announcement: EU Sparks for Climate

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