GREENFORCE International Winter School 2025: Scaling down Green Transition – Co-creating Nature-Based Solutions at the neighbourhood level

17 - 21 February 2025

The GreenFORCE project invites students to participate in the International Winter Schoolwith the theme “Scaling Down Green Transition – Co-Creating Nature-Based Solutions at the Neighbourhood Level”. The event takes place between 17 and 21 February 2025, at POLIS University, Tirana, Albania, offers an immersive experience in advancing sustainable development and fostering climate resilience at the local scale.

This Winter School focuses on the concept of Just Green Transitions (JGT) and provides students with dynamic platform to:

  • Explore, design, and implement localised solutions aligned with the SDGs, the EU Green Deal, and the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans
  • Utilize advanced tools, such as environmental modelling and ecosystem service assessments, to evaluate and improve neighbourhood-level environmental performance
  • Collaborate in teams to design Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) tailored to real-world cases
  • Engage directly with local stakeholders in Tirana neighbourhoods to co-create sustainable solutions
  • Refine their strategic decision-making capabilities through the on-site workshop, a series of online and in-person lectures, a scenario-building game, meetings with local authorities, etc.

For more information about the programme, the online preparatory sessions etc., please refer to the source page of this announcement:

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