New European Bauhaus Festival Satellite event in Sarajevo: VUCKO THE ARCHITECT- Reconnecting with Sarajevo’s Olympian spirit

20 April 2024

The NEB Festival event in Sarajevo, VUČKO the ARCHITECT captures the ideas, actions and visions of sustainable living and urban environment at the intersection of the EU New European Bauhaus initiative and legacy of the 1984 Winter Olympic games in Sarajevo through voices of the NEB Forum BiH in the Urban Design Studio, a unique civic showroom in the city center.

Learn about the New Urban Plan for Sarajevo Canton supported by the Urban Transformation Project Sarajevo (UTPS) and call to revitalise the Sarajevo Olympic bob and sled track. Glimpse into the journey to illuminate the Old Bridge and Partisan memorial in Mostar and discover the Architects’ Pop-up learning lab in Banja Luka. Gaze back at Olympic hotels and design messages of agile and friendly Olympic mascot Vučko, looking  for clues to awaken the Olympic spirit needed for a paradigm shift towards more sustainable, Green and Circular design, architecture and urbanism. Connect with heritage and spatial traditions, and the gift of publicly accessible drinking water in “a thousand water fountains‘ city”, a theme and practice of the Map4Water project, the NEB Awards 2024 finalist.

VUČKO the ARCHITECT invites also a discussion on research agenda and curricula development at the University of Sarajevo and beyond, while nurturing links and opportunities presented through the work of Bosnian academic diaspora and its BHAAAS Sustainable development programme. Join the event on the 20th April for a stimulating morning of presentations, exhibition and debate in the Urban Design Studio, followed by the afternoon walk and guided tour at the 1984 Winter Olympics Museum. Welcome-Dobro došli!

The organiser of this hybrid event is the NEB Forum BiH with Urban Design Studio. Learn more about the event and download the programme from or from below:

Event type


Bosnia and Herzegovina



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