Online meeting dedicated to the Green ERA-Hub initiative for the widening to Western Balkan countries

7 February 2024

The Green ERA-Hub initiative invites stakeholders from the Western Balkans to participate on an online meeting dedicated to the widening of the coordination of national programmes on Agri-Food and Biotechnology to Western Balkan countries.

The meeting is organised by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests (MASAF).

Registrations can be sent to the following email address: Ancy Sheeba Mathew Kollamparambil via

GEH brings together 15 currently active EU ERA-Net Cofunds and self-sustained initiatives.

The aims are to share experiences, inform about new EU Partnerships, and explore collaboration opportunities, including joint calls for research projects with the Western Balkan countries to make them more aware about the functioning of different partnerships and the resulting benefits. 

The organisers invite to the event on 7 February from 10:00 to 13:00 to discuss collaboration opportunities, funding possibilities, and the functioning of new EU Partnerships. This meeting will serve as preparation for an event in presence planned in Rome on April 2024 (on this, further communication will follow), but it also provides a first opportunity for networking and knowledge sharing. 

More information:

Online meeting link:  

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