Regional Event on “Future of Work Revisited – Platform Work in the age of AI”

22 - 23 May 2024

For many years, Ukraine, Serbia, and Romania have been leading providers of digital labour workers in Europe and beyond. With the outbreak of COVID-19, other Eastern and Southeastern European countries have followed suit. However, the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the rise of AI have significantly impacted the platform work across these regions, touching upon professional, social and organizational aspects.

To explore the profound changes unfolding in the world of platform work, organisers invite you to join the Regional Reshaping Work 2024 conference in Belgrade and investigate the transformative shifts in platform work and their impact on workers, businesses, and societies in Eastern and Southeastern Europe.

Over two dynamic days, organisers will bring together an array of stakeholders, including academics, legal and policy experts, worker representatives, worker advocates, and companies. During this conference, participants will embark on a journey to explain the complex intersections between evolving technologies, skills development, and the changing work environment in the context of platform economy. Participants will critically analyse these unfolding trends from different conceptual and practical perspectives, with the aim to uphold the principles of decent work in the platform economy and work in Southeastern and Eastern Europe in the context of challenges posed by the fast-emerging, technology driven future.

A Call for Papers has been announced for this event.

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