Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3) Conference 2025 

17 - 19 June 2025

The Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3) Conference 2025 is the fourth in a series of events that the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO), with the support of the S3 Community of Practice Secretariat, is organising for S3 stakeholders from across regions in EU Member States. The S3 Conference is one of the main events of the S3 Community of Practice, DG REGIO’s major source of support for S3 implementation.  

With Steering Committee held on the 17th of June 2025 and
Working Groups held on the 19th of June 2025

You are hereby kindly invited to join S3 practitioners, experts, policymakers, and other key stakeholders to engage in this network, to discuss the development of the Smart Specialisation policy concept and its role in promoting the economic transformation of territories and the broader EU policy objectives. Together with speakers from the European Commission, academia, managing authorities and S3 implementing bodies, the S3 Conference will be presented around four main pillars:  

  • Latest developments in S3: Reflections on relevant developments
  • S3 Community of Practice: Overview of three years of activities
  • S3 and interregional collaboration: Opportunities and examples
  • Taking stock of S3 implementation for 2021-2027 and the outlook

The first pillar on latest developments in S3 will provide some reflections on relevant developments related to smart specialisation, including links to important strategic and policy initiatives.

In the second pillar, an overview of the first three years of activities of the S3 Community of Practice will be recapped, including insights into the activities offered, results and lessons learned, and the main takeaways to shape the way forward.

In the third pillar, the discussions will address S3 and interregional collaboration. We will highlight the opportunities for interregional collaboration through dedicated instruments and support facilities, as well as present experiences from S3 Thematic Platforms and dedicated projects. 

The fourth pillar will take stock of S3 implementation and reflect on the outlook, covering relevant insights from the assessment of smart specialisation strategies across EU countries and regions.   

While the S3 Conference will be a one-day event, there will be a set of side events including the Steering committee meeting of the S3 Thematic Platforms (17 June 2025) and the meetings of the working groups on innovation diffusion, interregional collaboration, and industrial transitions (19 June 2025). 
Don’t miss the opportunity to contribute to the development of S3 CoP and gain valuable knowledge along with other stakeholders! 

Physical participation (with live streaming of entire event) 
​The event is planned as a physical event to be organised in Brussels, Belgium at the Maison du Bois. All sessions will be organised with a live recording and will be broadcast for an online audience.

Source: Inforegio – Online Webinar: Mobilising Regional Stakeholders for EU Competitiveness

Event type



Geographical focus:

Thematic domains: