Summit of the leaders of the Western Balkans and the EU

16 May 2024

Leaders from the six WB economies, along with representatives from the European Union and the United States, are set to discuss the Growth Plan for the Western Balkans.

The summit, organised by Montenegrin Prime Minister Milojko Spajic, will take place on 16 may in Kotor, Montenegro under the slogan “One Region, Common Vision.”

The meeting will feature regional leaders, including the European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement, Oliver Várhelyi, and the US Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia, James O’Brien.

Preceding the Summit, a meeting of the Ministers of European Affairs and Finance from the Western Balkan countries, representatives of the European Commission, and partner organizations will be held.

In recent months, ministerial meetings and regional summits involving Western Balkan leaders have taken place in Skopje and Tirana. During these gatherings, leaders and ministers from the region, alongside representatives from the European Union and the United States, discussed the Growth Plan for the Western Balkans. This plan encompasses six billion euros in grants and loans aimed at accelerating socio-economic integration with the European Union. Specifically, it includes two billion euros in grants and four billion euros in favorable loans guaranteed by the EU.

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