The External Dimension of EU-supported Connectivity: from Berlin Process to Global Gateway

24 April 2024

The conference on “The External Dimension of EU-supported Connectivity: from Berlin Process to Global Gateway” takes place in Tirana on 24 April 2024.

The Cooperation and Development Institute (CDI) is organising a half-day conference with a focus on deconstructing WB6 connectivity best cases and discussing on how they can be adapted for and upscaled into the global context of Global Gateway. The conference will bring together policymakers from the EU, EU Member States, and WB6, along with think tank representatives, representatives from international financial institutions (IFIs), and regional cooperation structures, and practitioners. During this gathering, participants will share their perspectives, engage in discussions, and come up with proposals.

This event is under the auspices of the Belgian Presidency of the EU Council, and supported by the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hanns Seidel Foundation and German Federal Foreign Office.

For more detailed information please refer to the source page of this announcement here . 

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