The role of Academia and Industry to inspire the next STEM generation (Satellite event to the Big Science Business Forum 2024)

1 October 2024

The International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) invites to the event “The role of Academia and Industry to inspire the next STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) generation” which takes place as a first Big Science Business Forum 2024 (BSBF 2024) satellite event on Tuesday 1 October 2024 (9.15 to 13.30) in Trieste.

The aim of the event is to explore the potential impact of research-industry collaboration to the development of a sustainable society. The topics to be addressed should work as a motivation for future employees in STEM related careers, as well as for future company leaders and other society stakeholders. Two invited talks will discuss the role of Big Science Infrastructures and Industry for innovation and the need to invest in STEM education. A panel discussion will follow on the role of industry and academia to inspire youth for sciences, starting at high school level, as part of the education activities “Youth at STEM for Sustainable Future” Youth@STEM4SF. The event will end with the award ceremony of the best high school students, who participated at the BSBF pre-event for high schools, a flagship activity of IUPAP in connecting physics, industry and education, first international edition of Youth@STEM4SF.

IUPAP is the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, a non-governmental organization, whose mission is to assist in the worldwide development of physics and to foster international cooperation in physics. Its headquarter is located in Geneva and its administrative office in Trieste. IUPAP has over 60 country members and Corporate Associate Members (CAM). Among the divisions and working groups (WG) of IUPAP, the WG16, Physics and Industry, explores how to expand the involvement of the Physics Community outside Academia, in particular Industry towards activities of IUPAP and get more international industrial corporations and research organizations being part of IUPAP as CAMs.

Event will be held in English and is free of charge
Registration: (before 15 September 2024)

For more information on the programme and further details, please refer to the source of this announcement:




Trieste Convention Centre, Porto Vecchio (BSBF 2024 main venue)

Thematic domains: