Webinar: Lump Sum Funding in Horizon Europe

16 May 2024

The European Commission organises an online event on “Lump Sum Funding in Horizon Europe: How does it work? How to write a proposal?” on 16 May 2024 from 10.00-12.00 CEST. There will be a YouTube live stream and a session to ask questions via slido.

  1. 10:00 Welcome and Agenda
    Ulrich GENSCHEL (RTD.H3), Head of Sector – Simplification of Horizon funding
  2. 10:10 Lump Sum Funding in Horizon Europe: How does it work? How to write a lump sum proposal?
    Ulrich GENSCHEL (RTD.H3)
  3. 10:45 Practical experience with lump sum grants
    Panel discussion with invited guests moderated by Andreia CHICOS (RTD.H3)
  4. 11:15 Coffee break
    Participants can verify, ask and upvote questions via Slido
  5. 11:20 Q&A session
  6. 11:50 Wrap up and next steps
  7. 12:00 End of the meeting

For additional documents and links, please refer to the source page of this announcement: https://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/docs/h2020-funding-guide/other/event240516.htm and refer to the dedicated page related to Lump Sum in Horizon Europe on the Funding & Tenders Portal.

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