Webinar: Western Balkans Mobility Scheme – Questions & Answers

On 28 March 2024, the Western Balkans Mobility Scheme has been launched. The deadline of the Call for Applications has been extended to 26 June 2024 and to further support applicants, the POLICY ANSWERS team is organising a webinar to answer any possible question that may arise in connection with the application process, eligibility criteria and other topics.

Join this webinar on 12 June 2024 at 14:00 (CEST) where Ralf Hanatschek from the WBMS call secretariat at DLR Projektträger will be available to answer your questions.

Date: 12 June 2024, 14:00 – 15:00 CEST

Link to the webinar: https://zsigmbh.my.webex.com/zsigmbh.my/j.php?MTID=m412f6d0dc6994ef59ef5b79c7aa87b5c

Registration is not necessary.

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