Workshop by POLICY ANSWERS on Anticipatory Science Advice in the Western Balkans

13 - 14 March 2023

Dr. Biljana Šćepanović, Minister of Science and Technological Development of Montenegro and Prof. Dr. Vladimir Božović, University of Montenegro will open the event together with the POLICY ANSWERS project coordinator Elke Dall. The organisers of the workshop (DLR, Institute Mihajlo Pupin and the S&T Park Montenegro) will then facilitate a discussion by key experts from the region on anticipatory science advice and foresight.

The work is based on R&I Scenarios: The Western Balkans in 2023 based on the study Strategic Foresight in the Western Balkans: Recovery on the Horizon Simon Schmitz (see attachments for more details). During two days, presentation, discussion and priority setting will result in implementation plans which shall be used further for policy discussions.




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