Fostering the stability and prosperity of the Western Balkans remains a key priority for the EU, especially taking into account the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic which has been hitting the Western Balkans societies and economies hard. As outlined in the European Commission´s priorities, green transition, digital transformation and an economy that works for people are crucial for relaunching and modernising the Western Balkans, helping to create jobs and growth, addressing the long-standing challenges faced by young people in the region such as limited job prospects, and inequality. Research, innovation, education and culture are essential drivers in this process – underpinned by evidence-based policy-making.
In such a context, the EU project entitled POLICY ANSWERS – R&I POLICY making, Implementation and Support in the WEsteRn BalkanS was launched on 1 March 2022 for a period of four years.
This new initiative is funded under the Horizon Europe call “Support for R&I policy making in the Western Balkans” (HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ACCESS-06-01) and it is positioned well in line with the EU’s Western Balkans Agenda on Innovation, Research, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport (WB Innovation Agenda), outlining a comprehensive, long-term strategy for cooperation with the region, including an Action Plan for its implementation. Through increased investments, its elements and measures will contribute to the economic and societal development and cooperation in and with the region.
POLICY ANSWERS focuses on the research and innovation (R&I) policy and governance systems, while also covering the aspects of education, culture, youth and sports. In the next four years, the project will monitor and support policy coordination within the EU-WB cooperation and will support the Western Balkans in strengthening their potential for successful participation in regional and multilateral research and innovation activities, to promote regional cooperation in R&I and support networking and access to information and excellence.
POLICY ANSWERS addresses these objectives through targeted project activities:
- Organising policy dialogue events (i.e. Ministerial and Steering Platform meetings; ad-hoc policy coordination meetings), offering room for exchange about policy implementation;
- Carrying out analytical activities such as mapping of relevant institutions, programmes, initiatives, needs and common priorities in the WB; monitoring ongoing activities at different levels related to the implementation of the WB Agenda and progress made related to ERA integration; providing strategic informed recommendations for policy making and agenda setting;
- Providing and coordinating capacity building and pilot actions in the WB to contribute to the region’s EU integration process and to strengthen their innovation ecosystems;
- Designing informed policy recommendations to decision-makers in the region in the areas of R&I, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport in addressing the EU’s key priorities such as digitalization, green economy and health and aligning them;
- Implementing regional pilot activities, which reach out directly to academia, industry and civil society; creating new initiatives and initiating success stories at programme level;
- Supplying an information hub and web platform addressing R&I, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport in the WB to enable better information sharing, create opportunities for joint actions and bring up the WB to EU policy-making.
All these activities are implemented by a variety of stakeholders from and beyond the WB region and in close liaison with the European Commission (EC), the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) and other stakeholders invited in a Project Advisory Board (PAB), as well as associated partners.
To learn more on POLICY ANSWER and its activities, please visit regularly the present page. You can also reach the project coordination team by writing to
Click the links below to download our recent publications
- Workshop Report related to Kosovar Draft Law for Scientific Research and Innovation
- EU and Albania hold 3rd Horizon Europe Joint Research & Innovation Committee Meeting
- POLICY ANSWERS Fellowship: Manual for Startups & Scaleups, Accessing Innovation Funding
- Smart Specialisation Strategy in Kosovo and the role of Riinvest Insitute
- FAQ – Western Balkans Research & Innovation Youth Awards
- Strengthening Academia-Industry Collaboration in the Western Balkans with Lessons from Austria and Serbia
- Transfering Knowledge from EIZ to Riinvest for Preparation and Management Projects of EU Framework
- Improving Economic Indexes in Kosovo: Lessons Learned from Croatia
- Event Report POLICY ANSWERS Workshop: Monitoring and Evaluation of Scientific and Technology Projects
- POLICY ANSWERS Peer-Learning Webinar: Inclusive Gender Equality in R&I and Education
- POLICY ANSWERS Workshop: Optimise Your Business and Benefit from Circular Economy and Green Transition
- POLICY ANSWERS Workshop: Monitoring and Evaluation of Scientific and Technology Projects
- POLICY ANSWERS Training on the Implementation of Circular Economy Principles in Montenegro Successfully Completed
- Advancing Green Transition and Innovation: POLICY ANSWERS Workshops Conclude in Serbia for 2024
- [Event Review] Workshop on Western Balkans European Research Area (ERA) reporting
- Advancing Kosovo’s Digital Transformation
- Integrating EU Priorities into Higher Education Curricula
- Riinvest’s Roundtable on Building a Stronger Support System in Advancing Innovation
- New report by Riinvest soon available: Implementation of the Digital Agenda for the Western Balkans in Kosovo
- POLICY ANSWERS Workshop on How to Implement Horizon Europe Project was held in Banja Luka
- MSCA Success Stories from the Western Balkans: Celebrating Research Excellence. An event report
- University of Sarajevo Hosts Workshop on Research-Industry Collaboration, Supported by POLICY ANSWERS
- Project Management Workshop at the University of Sarajevo, Supported by POLICY ANSWERS
- POLICY ANSWERS two-day event “Open Science and Intellectual Property Protection” sucessfully held
- POLICY ANSWERS Support for Preparing Projects for the Horizon Europe Programme at the University of Banja Luka
- Call for Western Balkans Innovation Vouchers Closes Successfully
- Apply Now for The Western Balkans Innovation Vouchers Pilot Programme, the Deadline has been Prolonged (Closed)
- POLICY ANSWERS Workshop on “Monitoring and Evaluation of Scientific and Technology Projects”
- POLICY ANSWERS Presented at the European Opportunity Week in Serbia
- Discussing the Drivers of Building Joint Programming: Green ERA Hub and BIOEAST Partnering for the Future (Event Report)
- 2nd EU-Kosovo Joint Research and Innovation Committee took place in Prishtina
- POLICY ANSWERS perspective on the Ministerial meetings of the Steering Platforms 2024
- Workshop on Initiating Sustainable Changes through Green Transformation in Serbia
- Results from the Ministerial Meeting of the Steering Platforms on Research & Innovation, Education & Training and Culture
- POLICY ANSWERS Project Showcased at European Week of Opportunities in Belgrade
- Navigating EU Funding Opportunities for Albanian Enterprises: Report about POLICY ANSWERS support
- Public Evaluation Report: Results of the Western Balkans Mobility Scheme
- The Western Balkans Info Hub has been Selected Again as one of the Danube Flagship Projects 2024
- Women in Information and Communication Technologies and Science: The Case of the Mihajlo Pupin Institute
- Several Danube Region Programme Projects Honored with Danube Strategy Flagships Title
- Implementing the Western Balkans Agenda – Monitoring Cards published by POLICY ANSWERS (July 2024)
- POLICY ANSWERS partner Institut Mihajlo Pupin participating in the event “Enabling Progress: Industry 4.0 in Western Balkans”
- [Event Review] Advancement of support for the development of innovation in Kosovo: Riinvest Round Table
- Western Balkans Mobility Scheme Closed with Good Response from Early-career Researchers
- Western Balkans R&I updates – a review by POLICY ANSWERS
- [Event Review] Implementation of the European Research Area (ERA) in the Western Balkans
- [Event Review] Workshop on Western Balkans European Research Area (ERA) reporting, 5 June 2024 -Skopje
- POLICY ANSWERS partners celebrate the grand opening of the Science and Technology Park of Montenegro
- POLICY ANSWERS participated in the European Fair in Montenegro
- [Event Review] Western Balkans Steering Platforms Meeting on Culture, Education and Training & Research and Innovation (Skopje, 3-5 June 2024)
- Workshop: How to Initiate Sustainable Changes in your Company by Implementing Green Transformation? (Video)
- POLICY ANSWERS presented at the official launch of the European Insitute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) RIS Hub Montenegro
- FAQ – Western Balkans Innovation Vouchers Call for Applications (Call closed)
- Training on “Organising and Managing Research Support Services” at University of Banja Luka organised mid May 2024
- Second EU – Bosnia and Herzegovina Horizon Europe Joint R&I Committee Meeting Successfully Held
- Initiating Sustainable Changes in Your Company through Green Transformation in Serbia – POLICY ANSWERS workshops
- Join the Next POLICY ANSWERS Webinar on Mission-oriented Innovation: Status and Future Opportunities for the Western Balkans on 27 May 2024!
- Watch the Recordings of the POLICY ANSWERS Webinars!
- Western Balkans European Research Area (ERA) Country Reports 2023
- Promotion of the “Rulebook on the Management of Intellectual Property of the University of Sarajevo”
- The POLICY ANSWERS Policy Report and Brief: Digital Transformation in the Western Balkans have been published
- Pre-Announcement of the POLICY ANSWERS Western Balkans Innovation Vouchers Scheme
- Lecture on the Role of Generative AI in Teaching Preparation was held at the University of Banja Luka
- The POLICY ANSWERS Western Balkans Mobility Scheme for Early-Career Researchers is Waiting for Your Application!
- EC has opened Calls to invest over €176 million in Digital Capacities and Tech
- Panel Discussion on report “An Absent Therapy for Healthcare Financing” was organised by Riinvest
- EC presents New Initiatives in Advanced Materials, a Key Enabling Technology for the Twin Green and Digital Transition
- Pre-Announcement of the POLICY ANSWERS Western Balkans Mobility Scheme for Early-Career Researchers
- Introducing the New Look of the Western Balkans Info Hub
- Gender Equality Plans in Serbia
- European Union – Albania 15th Subcommittee Meeting on Innovation, Information and Social Policy
- COST Info Day in Albania sucessfully organised by POLICY ANSWERS partner NASRI
- The Stakeholder Forum of POLICY ANSWERS organised by Riinvest provided valuable inputs for 2024
- Training, workshops, study visits and more – Capacity Building in the Western Balkans
- Capacity Building in Montenegro
- Capacity Building in North Macedonia
- The Western Balkans Info Hub – Powered by POLICY ANSWERS
- POLICY ANSWERS training on Digital Transition in Serbia
- POLICY ANSWERS invites stakeholders from the Western Balkans to share their ideas on FP10
- In Focus: Mapping, monitoring and progress reporting – in service of the Western Balkans
- Capacity Building in Serbia
- Capacity Building in Kosovo*
- Capacity Building in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Capacity Building in Albania
- Highlighting recent activities of Riinvest: First Annual Economic Forum, Stakeholder Forum and many more
- Aligning national-regional and EU priorities in the areas of Digital Transformation, Green Transition and Healthy Societies
- POLICY ANSWERS Pilot Programmes: Five activities for the development of the Region
- Bosnia and Herzegovina´s participation in the annual gathering of DARIAH-EU national coordinators
- POLICY ANSWERS Reports on Western Balkans’ ERA Integration (November 2023)
- First POLICY ANSWERS Capacity Building activity launched in Kosovo*
- POLICY ANSWERS presented at the Steering Platform on Research and Innovation
- POLICY ANSWERS Info Session on the Western Balkans in Skopje
- Mariya Gabriel shares her thoughts on the Western Balkans Agenda in an interview with CorD
- POLICY ANSWERS Capacity Building successfully held in Banja Luka
- [Video Announcement] POLICY ANSWERS Special Panel Session at the Economic Conference in Montenegro 2022
- Takeaways from the “MSCA Staff Exchanges: Opportunities for Researchers from the Western Balkans” Regional Awareness Raising Event
- A Closer Look at POLICY ANSWERS Gender Mainstreaming & Inclusiveness Guidelines
- Members of POLICY ANSWERS project on a study visit to the University of Rijeka
- Opening Ceremony of the POLICY ANSWERS Conference on Aligning Priorities in the Western Balkans
- Riinvest Institute Empowers the Research Community of Kosovo* with POLICY ANSWERS
- DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION: Shaping the Western Balkans Digital Future [Parallel session 1, POLICY ANSWERS Conf. 2023 Sarajevo]
- GREEN TRANSFORMATION: Green Deal – A Transformative Opportunity for the Western Balkans Economy [Parallel session 1, POLICY ANSWERS Conf. 2023 Sarajevo]
- HEALTHY SOCIETIES: Building a Healthy Society – Addressing Challenges in the Western Balkans [Parallel session 1, POLICY ANSWERS Conf. 2023 Sarajevo]
- Closing Remarks: Reflecting on the Conference [POLICY ANSWERS Conf. 2023 Sarajevo]
- Digital Transformation [Parallel Session 2, POLICY ANSWERS Conf. 2023 Sarajevo]
- Green Transformation [Parallel Session 2, POLICY ANSWERS Conf. 2023 Sarajevo]
- Healthy Societies [Parallel Session 2, POLICY ANSWERS Conf. 2023 Sarajevo]
- POLICY ANSWERS participated in a UN-ECE Transformative Innovation Network meeting
- POLICY ANSWERS workshop on Researchers´ Mobility [September 2023, Sarajevo]
- Bilateral meetings with European Partnerships’ Representatives [Parallel session 1, POLICY ANSWERS Conf. 2023 Sarajevo]
- POLICY ANSWERS Workshop was organised to support anticipated Eureka Network projects call
- Why is it worth attending POLICY ANSWERS trainings? Watch our videos where participants from Montenegro tell about the benefits
- Implementing the Western Balkans Agenda – Monitoring Cards published by POLICY ANSWERS (September 2023)
- Fund for Innovations and Technology Development presented its plans on the international conference “Core Days 2023: Growing Smart and Green: Local, Regional, European”
- POLICY ANSWERS: Empowering Montenegro for Horizon Europe Success through Capacity Building Activities
- Preparation of POLICY ANSWERS pilot regional mobility scheme is progressing well
- POLICY ANSWERS major events: Conference on Aligning Priorities in the Western Balkans and two workshops successfully organised
- POLICY ANSWERS sets out to support Integration of the Western Balkans into the European Research Area
- POLICY ANSWERS’ Project Advisory Board meets for first time
- Virtual Meeting of the Western Balkans Platform on Research and Innovation held on 30 March
- Getting to Know: the POLICY ANSWERS Team!
- POLICY ANSWERS Stakeholder Engagement – An Example from the Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- [POLICY ANSWERS Event Review] “Participation in Horizon 2020 and the first Applications and Projects in the Horizon Europe program: Experiences and Lessons learned” in Banja Luka
- [POLICY ANSWERS Event Review] RCC Western Balkans Innovation & Research Platform
- [Event Review] POLICY ANSWERS promoted the WB InfoHub at the COST Info Day for the Western Balkans
- How POLICY ANSWERS aims to address underrepresented Groups
- Consultations on the Development of the POLICY ANSWERS Capacity Building Programmes
- [Document Announcement] Summary of the 13th Days of the Bosnian-Herzegovinian American Academy of Arts and Sciences (BHAAAS)
- How POLICY ANSWERS is Planning to Award Youth Innitiatives
- Participate in the ERA-LEARN Survey on national experience in European Partnerships!
- POLICY ANSWERS project is covered in the media: Research in the Western Balkans moves closer to the EU
- European Commission visit to the POLICY ANSWERS partner RIINVEST
- POLICY ANSWERS supporting special Panel Session on ‘EU Initiatives and synergies for a smart and green future’
- European Commission visit to the POLICY ANSWERS partner FITD
- POLICY ANSWERS: Formulating anticipatory science advice on Research & Innovation priorities in the Western Balkans
- The Western Balkans R&I Information Hub has been selected as one of the Danube Flagship Projects 2022
- How POLICY ANSWERS provides and coordinates capacity building in the WB region
- [Video Announcement] POLICY ANSWERS Special Panel Session at the Economic Conference in Montenegro 2022
- News archive – POLICY ANSWERS on EU Initiatives and synergies for a smart and green future – the way ahead
- Event Review – Info Day in Albania on MSCA: COFUND and Staff Exchange
- First Capacity Building Action supported by POLICY ANSWERS was held at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Banja Luka
- Representatives of the University of Sarajevo – Research Department visited Copenhagen Business School
- Capacity Development Activities at the University of Sarajevo
- Entrepreneurial Discovery Process in The Republic of Albania: Partnership with The Quadruple Helix Actors in Developing the Country Smart Specialization Strategy
- Upcoming Workshop in Albania on Innovation Management in the Blue Economy
- [Call Announcement] Expert Services for Preparation of the Report and Policy Recommendations for Advancing Financing Sources, Policies and Procedures for Research and Innovation in Kosovo*
- Call for Participation: Workshops in Kosovo*: How to receive support from Horizon Europe?
- Info Session on the Western Balkans Agenda planned in North Macedonia
- News archive – [Call Announcement] Technical assistance (TA) through POLICY ANSWERS for Albanian SMEs applicants to EU funding programmes
- POLICY ANSWERS brief published: Overview of the Western Balkans Research and Innovation Performance in EU Programmes and Initiatives
- POLICY ANSWERS presented at the Steering Platform on Research and Innovation
- POLICY ANSWERS Info Session on the Western Balkans in Skopje
- News archive – Blue Economy / Mission Oceans stakeholders in Albania: register now for the POLICY ANSWERS Innovation Management workshop
- POLICY ANSWERS Capacity Building Event on Innovation and Technology Transfer at the University of Sarajevo
- Serbian businesses trained in the frame of the POLICY ANSWERS project on how to address the digital transformation challenges
- Towards a mission-oriented policy making in the Western Balkans
- Developing Gender Equality Plans: POLICY ANSWERS Capacity Building in Albania
- POLICY ANSWERS Capacity Building Event on Policy Design and Coordination in North Macedonia
- RIINVEST Institute is Empowering Research Community in Kosovo* through POLICY ANSWERS to increase its Participation in ERA
- Supporting skills development on IPR, technology transfer and knowledge valorisation – an interview with Maja Arslanagić-Kalajdžić
- News archive – Last chance to register: Blue Economy / Mission Oceans stakeholders in Albania / POLICY ANSWERS Innovation Management Workshop
- POLICY ANSWERS organised a Study visit to Brussels for policymakers and civil servants from North Macedonia
- Training on Horizon Europe and participation in ERA for the research community of Kosovo* (by POLICY ANSWERS)
- POLICY ANSWERS Capacity Building success in Serbia
- POLICY ANSWERS Conference: Policy Dialogue on Aligning priorities in the Western Balkans
- POLICY ANSWERS provided policymakers and civil servants in North Macedonia with policy design and coordination training
- Congratulations to our POLICY ANSWERS Project Partner RIINVEST
- The first POLICY ANSWERS Training for Preparation of Applications for Horizon Europe Projects successfully held in Montenegro
- Riinvest Institute’s Conference: Towards advancing R&I environment and its contribution
- Interview with Malte Schrage-Veltins, coordinator of ERA monitoring activities in POLICY ANSWERS
- POLICY ANSWERS Capacity building workshops successfully held in Belgrade and in Novi Sad on “Building Business Sector Capacities for Green Transition”
- POLICY ANSWERS Workshops on Digital Transformation: Videos of a success story in Serbia
- Visual Summaries of the ERA reports of the Western Balkans economies are now published
- Results of the POLICY ANSWERS capacity building activities on innovation management related to the blue economy in Albania
- Creating a difference with POLICY ANSWERS
- The next station of the “Green Talks” series supported by POLICY ANSWERS: Decarbonisation and the Carbon Tax
- POLICY ANSWERS successfully completed training on the implementation of Horizon Europe projects in Montenegro
- POLICY ANSWERS presented on the EU Opportunity Week
- POLICY ANSWERS Capacity Building Support for SMEs in Albania: Mentoring for grant proposal development available
- POLICY ANSWERS workshop in Čačak “How to improve business by using the latest digital technologies?”
- POLICY ANSWERS workshop in Niš “How to improve business by using the latest digital technologies?”
- POLICY ANSWERS workshop in the Institute Mihajlo Pupin
- Results of the Policy Answers capacity building activities on innovation management related to the Blue Economy In Albania
- What to expect from the EIT Community RIS Hub in North Macedonia. An interview with the National Secretary
- 2025 Capitalisation Workshop: Boosting Knowledge and Competitiveness in the Danube Region
- Capacity Development for Evaluation of Scientific and Technology Projects in Kragujevac
- Capacity Development for Evaluation of Scientific and Technology Projects in Niš
- RCC Western Balkans Innovation & Research Platform
- POLICY ANSWERS Workshop on Technology-Oriented Research Infrastructures: Opportunities for the Western Balkans
- POLICY ANSWERS Webinar: How to Become Active in EU Partnerships, the Approach of Türkiye
- POLICY ANSWERS Promotes Women Entrepreneurs and Sustainable Innovation
- Meeting of the Western Balkans Steering Platform on Research and Innovation (February 2025)
- Training for Supporting the Development of Sustainable Agriculture and the Food Value Chain in Tivat, Montenegro
- Training for Supporting the Development of Sustainable Agriculture and the Food Value Chain in Niksic, Montenegro
- Training for Supporting the Development of Sustainable Agriculture and the Food Value Chain in Berane, Montenegro
- POLICY ANSWERS Webinar: Smart Specialisation in EU Enlargement Countries (co-organised with EUSDR PA7)
- POLICY ANSWERS Webinar: Water4All EU Partnership, Opportunities for the Western Balkans
- POLICY ANSWERS Workshop in Belgrade: Monitoring and Evaluation of Scientific and Technology Projects
- POLICY ANSWERS Training: How to Successfully Prepare and Implement Horizon Europe Projects
- POLICY ANSWERS Webinar: Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda (SRIA) on Raw Material
- POLICY ANSWERS Peer-Learning Webinar: Inclusive Gender Equality in R&I and Education
- POLICY ANSWERS Training for Implementation of the Circular Economy Principles in Montenegro
- Workshop: Optimise Your Business and Save by Implementing Circular Economy and Green Transition
- POLICY ANSWERS Workshop Novi Sad: Monitoring and Evaluation of Scientific and Technology Projects
- Second Open Info Session for the “Western Balkans Innovation Vouchers” Call
- Open Info Session for the “Western Balkans Innovation Vouchers” Call
- POLICY ANSWERS Webinar: Adding Value to the Biomass in Eastern Europe and Western Balkans
- Beyond the Horizon: Joint Foresight Exercise. POLICY ANSWERS side event to the Ministerial meeting 2024
- MSCA Success Stories from the Western Balkans: Regional Awareness Raising Event
- Public ScienceBusiness event in Skopje: The role of Southeast Europe in the European Research and Innovation Area – How to maintain, build, and interconnect the research and innovation infrastructures?
- Ministerial Meeting of the Steering Platforms on Education and Training, Research and Innovation, and Culture. Sept/Oct 2024
- Advancement of support for the development of innovation in Kosovo: Riinvest Round Table
- POLICY ANSWERS Webinar: Challenges and Opportunities for the Mission-oriented Implementation of Climate Adaptation and Sustainable Cities
- Gathering of Regional Institutes “20 years since the enlargement of the European Union – experiences and challenges”
- Webinar: Western Balkans Mobility Scheme – Questions & Answers
- POLICY ANSWERS Webinar: Implementation of the European Research Area in the Western Balkans
- Initiating Sustainable Changes in Your Company through Green Transformation – 3rd POLICY ANSWERS Workshop in Čačak
- Initiating Sustainable Changes in Your Company through Green Transformation – 2nd POLICY ANSWERS Workshop in Kruševac
- Initiating Sustainable Changes in Your Company through Green Transformation – 1st POLICY ANSWERS Workshop in Belgrade
- POLICY ANSWERS Webinar: Innovating the Food System: Status and Future Opportunities of European Partnerships for the Western Balkans
- POLICY ANSWERS Webinar: Mission-oriented Innovation: Status and Future Opportunities for the Western Balkans
- World IP Day 2024 at UNSA
- European Research and Innovation Days
- 3rd POLICY ANSWERS Webinar: Overview of the Western Balkans on its Pathway to implement the Green Agenda – Challenges, Best Practices and Recommendations
- POLICY ANSWERS Webinar: Overview of the Western Balkans on its Pathway towards Modern Health Policy – Challenges, Best Practices and Recommendations
- POLICY ANSWERS Webinar: Overview of the Western Balkans on its Pathway to implement the Digital Agenda – Challenges, Best Practices and Recommendations
- Horizon Europe Info Day in Albania (supported by POLICY ANSWERS)
- POLICY ANSWERS Workshop to support anticipated Eureka Network Projects Call
- Policy Dialogue on Aligning Priorities in the Western Balkans – POLICY ANSWERS conference
- POLICY ANSWERS Workshop dedicated to Research Infrastructures
- POLICY ANSWERS Mobility Workshop
- KICK-OFF Meeting of the POLICY ANSWERS Project: R&I Policy Making, Implementation and Support in the Western
- Virtual Meeting of the Western Balkans Platform on Research and Innovation
- Official launch of Western Balkans Ministerial Platform on Culture / Press Conference
- Panel Session:´EU Initiatives and synergies for a smart and green future’ at the Economic Conference 2022
- Conference on the Economy of Montenegro 2022 – Conversations about the future
- The Entrepreneurial Discovery Process in Albania : Forestry
- The Entrepreneurial Discovery Process in Albania : Livestock
- The Entrepreneurial Discovery Process in Albania : Alternative Energy
- The Entrepreneurial Discovery Process in Albania : Renewable Energy
- The Entrepreneurial Discovery Process in Albania : Agritourism
- The Entrepreneurial Discovery Process in Albania : Healthcare Tourism
- The Entrepreneurial Discovery Process in Albania : Maritime Tourism
- The Entrepreneural Discovery Process in Albania: Mountain Tourism
- POLICY ANSWERS Info-session on the Western Balkans Agenda for innovation, research, education, culture, youth and sport with representatives of the European Commission
- POLICY ANSWERS Info Session on the Western Balkans in Skopje. February 2023
- Workshop by POLICY ANSWERS on Anticipatory Science Advice in the Western Balkans
- Policy Dialogue on Aligning Priorities in the Western Balkans – POLICY ANSWERS conference
- POLICY ANSWERS Workshop in Albania: ‘Innovation Management in the Blue Economy’
- POLICY ANSWERS Capacity Building Event on Innovation and Technology Transfer at the University of Sarajevo
- 1st POLICY ANSWERS Capacity Building event on the Digital Transition in Serbia: Belgrade
- 2nd POLICY ANSWERS Capacity Building event on the Digital Transition in Serbia: Novi Sad
- 3rd POLICY ANSWERS Capacity Building event on the Digital Transition in Serbia: Čačak
- 4th POLICY ANSWERS Capacity Building event on the Digital Transition in Serbia: Nis
- Final (5th) POLICY ANSWERS Capacity Building event on the Digital Transition in Serbia: Belgrade
- Smart Specialization Strategy in Albania (S3) – Entrepreneurial Discovery Process (EDP) on S3 national priority areas
- POLICY ANSWERS Capacity Building Kosovo: Industrial Policy
- Workshop Developing Gender Equality Plans: POLICY ANSWERS Capacity Building in Albania
- RIINVEST Institute providing inputs for National Research Programme in Kosovo*
- POLICY ANSWERS Capacity Building Event on Policy Design and Coordination in North Macedonia
- POLICY ANSWERS Capacity Building Event in Albania: Managing risk in innovation and developing innovative organisations and teams
- Training for preparing applications for Horizon Europe projects by POLICY ANSWERS (Montenegro)
- POLICY ANSWERS training for policymakers and civil servants on policy design and coordination in North Macedonia
- A POLICY ANSWERS event: Riinvest Institute organises a Conference in Kosovo* on R&I and on Institutional and Regulatory Framework
- POLICY ANSWERS Capacity Building Event in Serbia (Belgrade): Strengthening the Capacity of the Business Sector for the Green Transition
- POLICY ANSWERS training in Podgorica for implementing Horizon Europe projects
- POLICY ANSWERS Mobility Workshop
- POLICY ANSWERS event: Decarbonization and the Carbon Tax
- POLICY ANSWERS Capacity Building: Final presentation of the projects developed in the Horizon Europe Training Programme
- 25th Steering Group Meeting of Priority Area “Knowledge Society” of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region
- 2nd POLICY ANSWERS Capacity Building Event in Serbia (Novi Sad): Strengthening the Capacity of the Business Sector for the Green Transition
- Opportunities week / Serbia
- POLICY ANSWERS workshop dedicated to Research Infrastructures
- POLICY ANSWERS training in Albania on How to Prepare a Successful Project Proposal in Horizon Europe 2021-2027
- POLICY ANSWERS training in Albania on How to Prepare a Successful Project Proposal in Horizon Europe 2021-2027
- Service Request: Local Agency to provide full event service management for the POLICY ANSWERS Workshop on Technology-Oriented Research Infrastructures in Podgorica
- Service Request: Online Course on Gender Mainstreaming of Research & Innovation (R&I) Policy for POLICY ANSWERS
- POLICY ANSWERS Call for Participation: Western Balkans Research & Innovation Youth Awards
- Call for Applications: Western Balkans Innovation Vouchers (Closed)
- Public Call for Applications for Training for Implementation of the Circular Economy Principles in Montenegro
- Call for service provider: Training programme and training materials for online course on gender mainstreaming of research & innovation (R&I) policy
- Call for Members of the Evaluation Committee for the Western Balkans Innovation Voucher Pilot Programme (Closed)
- Public Call for Co-financed Grants for the Commercialisation of Innovations
- Western Balkans Mobility Scheme: A POLICY ANSWERS Pilot Programme – Call for Experts (Closed)
- Call for Application for the Co-financed Grants for Newly Established Commercial Start-up and Spin-off Companies
- Western Balkans Mobility Scheme: A POLICY ANSWERS Pilot Programme – Call for Applications (Closed)
- POLICY ANSWERS Call for Service Provider for Training Sessions in Green Transformation
- Call for Registration to POLICY ANSWERS´ Monthly Webinars on Aligning Priorities in the Western Balkans
- Call for Proposals for Topics of the POLICY ANSWERS´ Monthly Webinars
- ERA-LEARN Survey on national experience in European Partnerships
- Calls for experts: POLICY ANSWERS Capacity Building Programme – Albania
- Calls for Experts: Drafting of ERA Reports for the Western Balkans for POLICY ANSWERS
- Calls for experts / EXTENDED DEADLINE: Training for proposal writing and project management for Horizon Europe (POLICY ANSWERS capacity building programme in Kosovo*)
- Calls for regional experts on 1) Digital Transformation in the WBs with special reference to e-public services; 2) Green Deal for the sustainable WB development; 3) Health policy in the WBs [..]
- Call for Website development / powered by POLICY ANSWERS
- Call for Expert Services for Preparation of the Report and Policy Recommendations for Advancing Financing Sources, Policies and Procedures for Research and Innovation in Kosovo*
- Technical assistance (TA) through POLICY ANSWERS for Albanian SME applicants to EU funding programmes
- [Call for Participation] POLICY ANSWERS Capacity Building on Proposal Writing and Project Administration / Kosovo
- Service Request Media solutions to enhance the visibility of the POLICY ANSWERS Conference in September 2023
- Service Request Local Agency to Provide Full-service Management of the POLICY ANSWERS Conference and Accompanying Activities – Sarajevo, September 13th, 2023
- Public call for applications to “Training for preparing applications for Horizon Europe projects” by POLICY ANSWERS
- [Call for applications] POLICY ANSWERS training in Podgorica for implementing Horizon Europe projects (13-16 June 2023)
- Launch of the Western Balkans Regional Innovation Academy
- PA7 Reflection on the Future European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (FP10)
- Interview with Anđela Jakšić Stojanović, Minister of Education, Science, and Innovation of Montenegro, on the Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3)
- Smart Specialisation Strategies in Croatia: Experiences and the Way Forward Conference Recommendations
- Draft of the Smart Specialization Strategy (S3) in Albania
- POLICY ANSWERS Main Achievements by the End of 2024
- POLICY ANSWERS Policy Report and Brief Green Transition in the Western Balkans
- Interview with Barna Kovács, Counsellor at the Permanent Representation of Hungary to the EU and Secretary General of the BIOEAST Initiative
- POLICY ANSWERS Policy Brief: The Western Balkans on the Road to Framework Programme 10
- Interview with Gilles Kittel, European Commission, DG REGIO, Team Leader – Instrument for Pre-Accession, Enlargement Negotiations and EUSAIR
- European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS) 2024 edition
- POLICY ANSWERS review of the progresses shared at the Meeting of the WB Steering Platforms in June
- [Focus Article] Progresses in the implementation of the Western Balkans Agenda – POLICY ANSWERS review of the Steering Platforms meeting in Skopje, 15-16 February 2023
- [Focus Article] Researcher Mobility in the Western Balkans – Raising Awareness in the Region
- Driving the Green Transition: The Role of Critical Raw Materials in the Western Balkans
- European Research Area (ERA) country report 2023 for North Macedonia
- European Research Area (ERA) Country Report 2023 for Kosovo
- European Research Area (ERA) country report 2023 for Bosnia and Herzegovina
- European Research Area (ERA) Country Report 2023 for Albania
- FAQ – Western Balkans Mobility Scheme Call for Applications
- The Western Balkans on the Pathway towards Digital Transition
- POLICY ANSWERS Policy Report and Brief: Digital Transformation in the Western Balkans
- Western Balkans Mobility Scheme: A POLICY ANSWERS Pilot Programme – Guide for Applicants
- Embedding RRI in the Western Balkans
- [FOCUS ARTICLE] Mapping, monitoring and progress reporting − in service of the Western Balkans
- Mapping the Western Balkans Stakeholder Ecosystem – Mapping Card published by POLICY ANSWERS (2024)
- [Focus Article] Cultural Heritage and Science – Exploring initiatives in the EU and the Western Balkans
- POLICY ANSWERS Gender Mainstreaming & Inclusiveness Guidelines
- POLICY ANSWERS Foresight: Recommendations for the Future of R&I in the Western Balkans
- [PRESENTATION PA CONF. SEPT. 2023] Research and Innovation Infrastructures for efficient Implementation of Smart Specialisation Strategies – Bio4Campus (Health and BioTech)
- [PRESENTATION PA CONF. SEPT. 2023] Supporting Digital Transformation: Mission-Oriented Support for Innovation and Technological Development in North Macedonia (Digital)
- [PRESENTATION PA CONF. SEPT. 2023] Smart Cities Mission – Sarajevo, Elbasan and Podgorica on their Way to become Climate Neutral and Smart Cities (Green Deal)
- [PRESENTATION PA CONF. SEPT. 2023] Overview of the Western Balkans Region on its Pathway to Implement the Digital Agenda
- [PRESENTATION PA CONF. SEPT. 2023] JRC Report on the “Status of Environment and Climate in the Western Balkans”
- [PRESENTATION PA CONF. SEPT. 2023] Challenges of the widening Hallenges of Widening Countries in the Creation and Implementation of European Partnerships (With a Focus on the Western Balkans)
- [PRESENTATION PA CONF. SEPT. 2023] Smart Specialisation Strategy – Opportunities with Partnerships for Regional Innovation
- [PRESENTATION PA CONF. SEPT. 2023] The Western Balkans Agenda and how it works towards Alignment of the thematic Priorities
- [FOCUS ARTICLE] Turning Research and Innovation Results into Sustainable Solutions – Knowledge Valorisation and IPR in the EU and in the Western Balkans
- [FOCUS ARTICLE] The Western Balkans’ Performance in Horizon Europe Missions
- [FOCUS ARTICLE] The European “Green Deal” for the Western Balkans – Becoming climate neutral by 2050
- [FOCUS ARTICLE] The ERA Integration of the Western Balkans
- [FOCUS ARTICLE] Innovation Voucher Schemes in the Western Balkans
- Interview with Elke Dall, POLICY ANSWERS coordinator
- Leaflet about POLICY ANSWERS project
- [Focus Article] Launch of the Western Balkans Platform on Culture
- [FOCUS ARTICLE] Regional promoter scheme for Research Infrastructures – by POLICY ANSWERS
- Overview of the Western Balkans Research and Innovation Performance in EU Programmes and Initiatives
- [Presentation at SP Feb. 2023] POLICY ANSWERS’ updates and capacity building activities
- [FOCUS ARTICLE] POLICY ANSWERS during the European Year of Skills 2023 – Capacity Building in the Western Balkans
- Albania’s ERA Integration: Two-pager visual summary of the ERA report
- Bosnia and Herzegovina’s ERA Integration: Two-pager visual summary of the ERA report
- Kosovo*’s ERA Integration: Two-pager visual summary of the ERA report
- Montenegro’s ERA Integration: Two-pager visual summary of the ERA report
- North Macedonia’s ERA Integration: Two-pager visual summary of the ERA report